Alligator Seen by Publix 'On His Way to Pick Up a PubSub,' Florida Cops Say

A Florida alligator was spotted wandering at a Publix store, "on his way to pick up a PubSub," police reported.

Officers from Pinellas Park Police Department were called to the area after someone spotted the large reptile outside a Publix, they said in a statement posted to Facebook.

When officers arrived, they determined that the alligator was about 5 to 6 feet long. They arrived just in time to find the alligator walking on the sidewalk and about to approach a crowded intersection, WFLA reported. It then reached the Publix parking lot.

"We can only speculate that he was on his way to pick up a PubSub. Special thanks toMyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife. We're happy to report both he and the shoppers are safe!" a statement from the police department said.

Alligator saved from parking lot
An alligator heading across a parking lot near a Publix in Pinellas Park, Florida. Pinellas Park Police Department

A picture posted of the alligator shows it moving across the parking lot at the Publix.

Another picture shows officers carrying the alligator after securing its mouth and legs with tape. The alligator was relocated and released into swampy land, away from people.

Florida is home to 1.3 million alligators. They can be found all over the state but prefer swampy land and other bodies of water. During the warmer summer months, it is not uncommon for them to venture out of their preferred habitat and into populated areas, and because it is mating season, they are more active than usual.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission work to remove alligators from residential areas to ensure no conflicts happen. Alligators will not usually harm a human unless they feel provoked or threatened, but conflicts can occur when they are close to people.

"Poor guy was just trying to get a chicken tender sub," one Facebook user commented, in response to the police department's post.

"He smelled the fried chicken!" another social media user said.

"I understand Mr. Gator. The smell of that fried chicken is intoxicating!" someone else wrote.

Alligator saved from parking lot
Police officers remove an alligator from a Publix parking lot in Florida. Pinellas Park Police Department

Some other Facebook users were confused as to how the alligator got in the area as there isn't any water nearby.

"There isn't a drop of water anywhere near that Publix!!! Glad it was relocated though," one Facebook user said.

However during mating season, it is not uncommon for alligators to travel farther than usual while on the hunt for a mate. During this time, males can travel up to five miles in one day while looking for a female.

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Alligator saved from parking lot
Police release an alligator after removing it from a Publix parking lot in Florida. Pinellas Park Police Department

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About the writer

Robyn White is a Newsweek Nature Reporter based in London, UK. Her focus is reporting on wildlife, science and the ... Read more

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