'Embrace Your Cellulite': Influencer Lele Pons Shares Insecurity About Body

Content creator Lele Pons took to social media to share a new body-positive post that is going viral.

"Embrace your cellulite," Pons explained as she showed off her skin to her 48 million followers.

The popular post—which has over 1 million likes in just three hours—has the influencer speaking out about her cellulite. The skin condition commonly affects women more than men where fat builds up in areas such as thighs, stomach or buttocks. 80 to 90 percent of women will have a form of cellulite in their life whereas it will affect only 10 percent of men, per Cleveland Clinic.

She continued in her post about being sensitive when discussing her cellulite, "i try to hide it as much as i can and edit them out.... But today im not gonna do it! This is my natural self. Who cares if others judge... Embrace who you are and be confident."

Many of her followers support her in the comment section,

"We need to accept each other for our true selves and feel comfortable in our own skin. Lele really shows self empowerment, this is a great bold statement and a confidence booster. I AM HERE FOR IT," one commenter shared.

"Always beautiful," said another.

"YOU ARE GORGEOUS INSIDE AND OUT," exclaimed a follower.

Lele Pons
Pictured above, Lele Pons attends the Billboard Women In Music in Los Angeles, California on December 12th, 2019. Emma McIntyre/Getty Images

Like Pons, many celebrities are embracing body positivity to give others confidence on how to feel their best.

In March, Riverdale star Lili Reinhart took to Twitter to explain that someone's stomach doesn't have to be "flat or perfectly toned" to wear a crop top, "These "summer body" trends are toxic. Your body is ready for summer no matter what it looks like. Don't let it stop you from enjoying anything."

In the summer of 2019, actress Mindy Kaling shared a post on Instagram about wearing bathing suits, "IDK who needs to hear this but... WEAR A BIKINI IF YOU WANT TO WEAR A BIKINI. You don't have to be a size 0."

In 2020, Lizzo shared an inspirational post on Instagram where she discussed detoxing and loving her body.

"I detoxed my body and I'm still fat. I love my body and I'm still fat. I'm beautiful and I'm still fat," the singer wrote.

She continued: "To the people who look to me, please do not starve yourselves. I did not starve myself. I fed myself greens and water and fruit and protein and sunlight. You don't have to do that to be beautiful or healthy. That was my way. You can do life your way. Remember, despite anything anyone says or does DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR BODY."

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

About the writer

Ashley Gale is a Newsweek reporter based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her focus is reporting on trends. She has covered trends, ... Read more

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