Majority Now Want Donald Trump Impeached and Removed From Office: Poll

An increasing number of Americans are in favor of seeing President Donald Trump both impeached and removed from office, with five polls in recent days showing a majority of people supporting the ongoing impeachment inquiry.

The most recent poll, from Fox News, showed that 51 percent of respondents wanted to see Trump impeached and removed from office, with a further 4 percent believing the president should be impeached but not removed from office.

Meanwhile the same poll, released Wednesday, showed that 40 percent of people did not think Trump should be impeached— down from 45 percent of respondents in the same poll taken in July.

The president recently suggested he wasn't happy with polling results from Fox that showed him with worse numbers than Democratic frontrunners, commenting to reporters at the weekend: "Fox has changed. My worst polls have always been from Fox."

The poll, which surveyed 1003 registered voters between October 6-8, is the latest in a string of surveys that suggest Trump is not faring well with voters following the announcement of an impeachment inquiry by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in late September.

A Tuesday poll from The Washington Post showed that 58 percent of respondents supported the impeachment inquiry; while a Quinnipiac poll also released Tuesday showed that 53 percent of people supported the impeachment inquiry itself, and 45 percent also felt that the president should be impeached and removed from office; an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 55 percent of people back the inquiry; and a Politico/Morning Consult poll showed half of registered voters would back removing Trump from office.

The impeachment inquiry comes following whistleblower allegations that Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate a potential political rival. In a July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Trump mentioned Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, according to a summary transcript of the call released by the White House.

But despite Biden being mentioned in the call, the president insisted there was no pressure put on Ukraine to investigate the Bidens, and no "quid pro quo" discussion, despite aid to the country being held up around the time of the conversation.

Support for an impeachment inquiry into the president has grown in the wake of the whistleblower allegations. However, the president's approval rating continues to hover around the same mark on average—with various polls showing a range of a few points.

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