Proud Boys Boast About Politicians 'in Absolute Terror' During Capitol Raid

The Proud Boys have boasted about how they had politicians in "absolute terror" as they and other far-right extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday to support Donald Trump's baseless claims of election fraud.

A number of U.S. lawmakers were forced to take shelter before being evacuated from the building as the mob attempted to stop Congress certifying the Electoral College vote in favor of Joe Biden.

Four people died during the violence, which Trump is accused of inciting. One woman died after being shot by Capitol police and three others suffered "separate medical emergencies," according to officers.

Following the attack by Trump supporters, far-right extremists and followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory—which the FBI lists as a domestic terrorist threat—the Proud Boys appeared not to express remorse but instead suggested that they would continue to "terrify" society.

"For several hours, our collective strength had politicians in Washington in absolute terror. The treacherous pawns (cops) were also terrified," a message on the Proud Boys' official Telegram channel read.

"The system would have you believe that you are alone. That's why they want to ban all 'radicals' from social media. They want you to feel alone. But the truth is that you are not alone. We are everywhere.

"Things will get difficult soon but don't lose heart. We are growing and our unity will terrify the evil elites running this nation."

On the social media site Parler, which has become a haven for far-right figureheads banned from other platforms, the Proud Boys described the attack on the Capitol as a positive thing.

"Doesn't look like they're destroying the capital. Looks like they're liberating it," the group posted. "God bless America and all her patriots."

Describing the scene from Congress, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said there was a point when the officers who were pointing their guns at the chamber doors were "obviously expecting a breach" and getting ready to fire.

Himes told the Associated Press: "It was clear that they were pretty close to pulling the trigger so they asked us all to get down in the chamber."

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) added: "It's not good to be around terrified colleagues, with guns drawn toward people who have a barricade ... people crying. Not what you want to see."

The riot at the Capitol has been seen as an almost inevitable conclusion to years of Trump failing to denounce his far-right and extremist support and weeks of him falsely claiming the election was "stolen" from him.

During last year's first presidential debate, Trump infamously told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by." On Wednesday, he posted a video telling the protesters, "We love you. You're very special," while also asking them to go home.

Congress staffers barricade themselves in offices after Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Olivier DOULIERY / AFP/Getty

In a statement, Republican Senator Ben Sasse placed the blame for Wednesday's violence on Trump's rhetoric and spreading of misinformation.

"Today, the United States Capitol—the world's greatest symbol of self-government—was ransacked while the leader of the free world cowered behind his keyboard tweeting against his Vice President for fulfilling the duties of his oath to the Constitution," Sasse said.

"Lies have consequences. This violence was the inevitable and ugly outcome of the president's addiction to constantly stoking division."

President-elect Biden, whose victory was eventually certified by Congress early on Thursday morning, said in a statement: "Today is a reminder, a painful one, that democracy is fragile.

"To preserve it requires people of good will, leaders with the courage to stand up, who are devoted not to pursuit of power and personal interest at any cost, but to the common good."

Members of Congress run for cover as protesters try to enter the House chamber on January 6. Drew Angerer/Getty

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About the writer

Ewan Palmer is a Newsweek News Reporter based in London, U.K. His focus is reporting on US politics, domestic policy ... Read more

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